
The Management Board



A lucky 30 years old father and husband and one of the first P&Q Sp. z o.o. employees. He gained experience in the Realization, Designing and Advisory departments. In the ladder of self-development, he reaches the next career levels very dynamically. Damian has been building his brand as a well-known expert in the industry. He is characterized by an innovative approach to design and logical thinking.
At P&Q Sp. z o.o., he has a position of Chief of Advisory, and from March 1st, 2023, also a Member of the Board.



In P&Q Sp. z o.o. from the very beginning, at the position of Chief of Realization. Graduated in the field of Electrical Engineering at Bialystok University of Technology with a specialization in electrical power engineering. He is 38 years old and has been involved in the electric power industry since 2008. Radosław Juchimowicz gained his experience during the implementation of many contracts, including foreign ones, in the role of Engineer, Site Manager, Contract Manager, up to director positions. On March 1st, 2023, he was appointed as a Member of the Board in the P&Q Sp. z o.o. Company.



Crucial moment in his further self-development path was engagement with the #energyindustry. Piotr gained his 10 years of experience in the field during the implementation of projects from commercial energy industry and renewable energy sector at various levels of responsibility and scopes of duties, from the positions of Site Engineer, Contract Manager to Chief of Sales. Piotr graduated in management studies at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics in 2018.
He is responsible for the company's commercial activities, obtaining and negotiating contracts and developing the company at foreign markets - as Chief of Sales. As of March 1st, 2023, also as a Member of the Board of the P&Q Sp. z o.o. Company.



Chief of the Purchasing Department in P&Q Sp. z o.o. He is the one who creates and takes care of the entire supply chain necessary for the Company's investments. Present in the energy industry since 1998.
Franciszek Krawczyk has associated his professional path with P&Q Sp. z o.o. since the Company’s establishment. He appreciates the professionalism: commitment, responsibility and loyalty ruling in the Company and considers it as a great value to work with such a qualified team.
As of March 1st, 2023, he joined as a Board Member of the Company.